
In times past, the times when I have heard “all things work together for the good” used, it was used in context to some tragedy or difficulty that someone was experiencing, such as: “well you know, that airplane crashed, and all the passengers were killed but we know that all things work together for the good.” Or something like: “I lost my job and became homeless, but I know that all things work together for good.”  NO…NO…NO…a thousand times no, trials and tribulations do not build our faith, they can build character.  If it were the trials and tribulations that make us strong, everyone on earth would be a spiritual giant.  Certainly, there have been enough trials and tribulations to perfect the saints.  This must not be the avenue through which God perfects (matures) us. Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, pastors and teachers; FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”  (emphasis mine) This is the way the saints are perfected–not through tribulations.  We are to be perfected by the Word through the ministry.  We should be hearing things like: “Praise God sister so-and-so just inherited a million dollars, and we know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD.” 

GOD IS SOOOO GOOD! What a wonderful time we had together last night at intercessory prayer.  Thanks so much for your involvement. 

Yesterday’s trivia: Speech, Colossians 4:6

Today’s trivia: Who prayed with John that the Samaritans would receive the Holy Spirit? Hint: Acts 8

This Sunday is CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICE, bring someone with you, and EXPECT GOD TO MOVE BY HIS SPIRIT! 

Every day with Jesus should be sweeter than the day before…and YOU ARE WEL ABLE.

PD & Kathy 


Praise God for John 10:10, I am so glad that God didn’t send cancer to edify me or poverty to perfect my faith.  No, these are under the curse of the law, they are from satan and we are to triumph over them with the power twins–faith and patience.  The Word does not say faith is developed by trials, but it does say that the trying of our faith works patience.  It’s what we do WITH trials and tribulations that makes the difference, not the fact that we are suffering.  There are those in the Church who think we are to glory in tribulations, but tribulation is not the goal of Christianity.

Yesterday’s trivia: Peter, Acts 8:124-15

Today’s trivia: Who was sent by God to restore Paul’s sight? Hint: Acts 9.

How many have you invited and are bringing to Church this Christmas Sunday? YOU ARE WELL ABLE.

PD & Kathy 


Many think we can’t be worth anything until we suffer.  That’s not true.  You’ll not be worth anything unless you OVERCOME that suffering.  Suffering is the result of the attack of the enemy.  The glory is in overcoming that trial with the Word of God, through the power of God.  There is no glory in knuckling down and enduring trials.  This is why we count it all joy when we are tried.  We know that Jesus has defeated the enemy, and that we are victors over anything he sends our way. John 16:33 says “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”  The glory lies in overcoming the world and its trials and tribulations.  Trouble may come our way, but through the good things of God, He ALWAYS causes us to triumph IN CHRIST JESUS. 

TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS SUNDAY…….I am expecting the Holy Spirit to move and touch many lives.

Yesterday’s trivia: Ananias, Acts 9:10-12.

Today’s trivia: Who witnessed to a eunuch in a chariot? Hint: Acts 8.

Looking forward to gathering together tomorrow in the HOLY GHOST. YOU ARE WELL ABLE! 

PD & Kathy 



Wanted to make sure that everyone understands some things: 1. We have Christmas trees, BUT we don’t worship them.         2. Jesus was probably NOT born on December 25th, and we don’t worship THE DAY. 3. We do celebrate the fact that Jesus was born to a virgin, God manifest in the flesh, GOD’S GIFT TO ALL MANKIND and we celebrate HIS BIRTH!

Yesterday’s trivia: Philip, Acts 8:26-27

Today’s trivia: According to the Bible, how many “wise men” were there? 

Did you know that the REAL MEANING OF CHRISTMAS is that ‘GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE’!  Aren’t you glad that you have RECEIVED that precious Gift?  YOU ARE WELL ABLE! 

PD & Kathy 


Romans 5:1-4 “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope.”  Paul was saying that he had peace with God whatever came his way.  He had this peace, not only when things were working right for him, but also when trouble came down the road.  He did not let go of his peace with God because of tribulation.  This tribulation only worked patience in him, and PATIENCE BROUGHT THE EXPERIENCE OF VICTORY! Then the experience of victory worked hope. And faith puts SUBSTANCE to hope! 

What a glorious time we had yesterday, so many people worked so long and hard to bring our service together…what a BLESSING YOU ALL ARE… and it’s because: YOU ARE WELL ABLE IN JESUS NAME!  Thanks so much! 

Yesterday’s trivia: We don’t know the ACTUAL number of wise men, only that there was a plurality. Matthew 2:1

Today’s trivia: Who wanted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit? Hint: Acts 8.

WARFARE ON WEDNESDAY @7:00 our numbers and power are exponentially growing!

PD & Kathy 


In Hebrews 10:35-38 we are admonished to: “Cast not away therefore your confidence , which hath great recompence of reward.  For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.  Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.  Also, remember, Romans 5 says that TRIBULATION WORKS PATIENCE, and Hebrews 10 says that we have need of patience–because patience works experience.  Experience is the reward.  Patience produces the reward of experiencing the answer.  The more we experience the Word of God manifesting in our lives, the more we want!  And the more we are able to know how to Work the Word! 

Yesterday’s trivia: Simon, Acts 8:18-19

Today’s trivia: Where was the home of Mary and Joseph? Hint: Luke 2.

Intercessory prayer tomorrow @7, looking forward to a mighty move of the Holy Ghost. 

We are closer to the return of Jesus than ever before in the history of the planet, may we allow the Holy Spirit to use us to spread the Kingdom of God because YOU ARE WELL ABLE, and there is no fear in the perfect love of God! 

PD & Kathy