Because of the protective greaves on the soldiers, the enemy could kick repeatedly at the soldier’s shins, and the soldier’s legs would never be broken.
Because of the protective greaves on the soldiers, the enemy could kick repeatedly at the soldier’s shins, and the soldier’s legs would never be broken.
The weapon of “peace,” not only PROTECTS you, but it also provides you with a brutal weapon to wield against the enemy when he attacks.
When the Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 6:15, “And having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” He had in mind
Too many times, well-meaning Christians run out to engage in warfare with the enemy, without being grounded in their righteousness. The enemy will use every
When we as believers understand that God has freely imparted righteousness to us and that this God-given righteous now serves us as a gorgeous breastplate,
As we learn about our right-standing, no word of condemnation, no false allegation, and no guilty thoughts will penetrate a believer’s heart or lodge in