Luke 2:10, “I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” “Good tidings” is the Greek Word where we get the word EVANGELIZE which means to announce good news. It portrays the best news anyone has ever heard. The Good News of Jesus Christ is the best news anyone could ever hear! It is such great news it produces “great joy” in the hearers..
Yesterday’s trivia: The Lord (Isaiah 1:18)
Today’s trivia: What does Paul call the Galatians
FUN FACTS ABOUT CHRISTMAS SONGS: In 2021, Blokur, a music rights platform revealed that there are over 49,000 Christmas songs in existence today! Out of those 49,000, the MOST POPULAR streamed Christmas song is Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas Is You with over 1.2 BILLION streams.
WOW! WOW! and WOW! What a wonderful time we all had yesterday at Jubilee with the Christmas presentation, the giving of gifts and wonderful fellowship. Thanks so much to all the workers, a special thanks to Scarlett Holtz for her labor of love in leading and guiding the Christmas presentation.
PD & Kathy