We live in a ‘SENSE-RULED, SENSE ORIENTED WORLD SYSTEM,” that is why it sometimes takes real pedal to the metal discipline to align ourselves with GOD’S SYSTEM rather than just sit back with a “whatever will be will be” attitude. Remember this, EVERYTHING has its beginning in the Word of God. The WORD OF GOD IS THE PARENT therefore everything is subject to the Parent which is the Word of God! If your’ particular situation is not lining up with the Word, SPEAK THE WORD TO IT…IT MUST OBEY!
Yesterday’s trivia: Keren-happuch, Job 42:14.
Today’s trivia: What woman was capable enough to instruct the brilliant Apollos in theology? Hint: Acts 18.
They are coming from the North, the South, the East and the West that HIS HOUSE may be full, because WE ARE WELL ABLE!
Kathy and I call you BLESSED IN JESUS NAME!
PD & Kathy