Even though God says that He doesn’t change, the modern day school of thought has made Him a different kind of God today than when Jesus walked the earth. Jesus said of the lady who was a daughter of Abraham, that she should be loosed of her infirmities “whom SATAN has bound.” Jesus said SATAN did it to her. Peter said, “all sickness is the oppression of the devil.” Peter also indicated that all of the healing ministry of Jesus was setting people free of the oppression of the devil.
Both Jesus and Peter tell us that the devil is the author of sickness, and not God. If you have any question about this, get it settled once and for all in your thinking. If you do not, the devil is going to keep you bound for the rest of your life. I am NOT SAYING that if you are sick you are “demon possessed,” but ALL SICKNESS AND DISEASE HAVE THEIR ROOTS IN SATAN! IT IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOU TO BE SICK!
Yesterday’s trivia: Moses
Today’s trivia: Who did God tell to pick soldiers from the men who lapped water like dogs? Hint: Judges 6-7.
there are GIANTS in the land, but they are nervous, because YOU ARE a GIANT KILLER and YOU ARE WELL ABLE!
PD & Kathy