John 5:26,“ For as the Father hath life [zoe] in himself: so hath he given to the Son to have life [zoe] in himself.” The Greek word translated “life” in John 5 is ‘zoe.’ As you would read through the King James Version or other English translations, when you see the word “life” you might think it’s always talking about the same thing, but it isn’t. Three other Greek words in the New Testament are translated “life.”
Yesterday’s trivia: Priscilla
Today’s trivia: What devout woman was described by Paul as “our sister” and “a servant of the church”? Hint: Romans 16.
Are you using your membership to CLUB SOTERIA, to your fullest advantage?
They are coming from the North, the South, the East and the West that HIS HOUSE MAY BE FULL because we are inviting and bringing them….WE ARE WELL ABLE!
Kathy and I call you BLESSED IN JESUS NAME!
PD & Kathy