The enemy is limited to the things that are common to mankind, but WE ARE NOT! We have access to the full armor of God, Himself. Our patience rests solidly on the full assurance that, no matter what comes next, Jesus has provided more than enough victory to put us over.
Yesterday’s trivia: Psalm 137
Today’s trivia: When Jesus was brought before the Council, how many false witnesses were brought in to accuse him? Hint: Mat. 26
REMINDER: No FORMAL prayer tonight, but don’t forget that man must ALWAYS to pray and faint not.
God is moving mightily at Jubilee, and they are coming from the North, the South, the East and the West that HIS HOUSE may be full, because WE ARE WELL ABLE!
Kathy and I call you BLESSED IN JESUS NAME!
PD & Kathy