Romans 8:2, As we say what God is saying, that gives the Holy Spirit to ‘enlighten’ us and begin to grow the seed in us so that we can be BLESSED IN THE CITY, BLESSED IN THE FIELD, BLESSED COMING IN AND GOING OUT! The enemy does the reciprocal, to curse us in the city, cursed in the field, cursed coming in and going out. BUT WE ARE REDEEMED FROM THE CURSE, AND THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD ARE SAYING SO!
Yesterday’s trivia: Si; Jesus’ mother, Magdalene, mother of James and John, Mary of Rome, mother of John Mark, and Mary of Bethany.
Today’s trivia: Who was the first woman to go against Jesus’ words “You cannot serve God and mammon? Hint: Acts 5.
They are coming from the North, the South, the East and the West that HIS HOUSE may be full, because WE ARE WELL ABLE!
Kathy and I call you BLESSED IN JESUS NAME!
PD & Kathy