Fear is a satanic force that works against you at every opportunity. Faith is a creative force that God uses to build and uplift. Faith helps; fear hurts. Whenever faith is in operation, you will always benefit from it. Whenever fear is in operation, you will be subject to bondage and torment. You are in contact with satan in this earth as long as you are in your “earth suit.” Satan is sense devil, he is a thief, a liar, and a killer. He will do his best to destroy you and your testimony as a believer. His goal is to successfully remove you from the field of action. His main weapon in reaching that goal is fear. He wants you to take the opportunity to fear so that you will fail. But he cannot do it if we don’t let him…he and his demons are under your feet.
Yesterday’s trivia: He (Boaz) purchased the property of Naomi, her mother-in-law. Ruth 3-4. Today’s trivia: In Revelation, what bird went about crying, “Woe! Woe!”? Hint: 8
MOD SQUAD TONIGHT AT 6:30, We will be looking at chapter #8.
Are you SEEING YOURSELF as a victor or a victim? The choice is ours, we are WELL ABLE!
PD & Kathy