In Luke 13:11-16, we have the story of a daughter of Abraham, who had been bowed over for eighteen years with a sickness. This lady came to Jesus and was healed. This happened on the SABBATH and upset the religious leaders of the day. It is unfortunate, that I see the same thing today. When God does a miracle, a healing, raising of the dead (yes it is still happening today) the blind seeing, the deaf hearing the RELIGIOUS BUNCH still get upset. Why? Because they would have to admit that they are wwwwrrrrrrrooooooooong. It rubs their theological fur the wrong way, and unfortunately they won’t “turn-around.”
If I NEVER see anyone get healed, I believe that it is available today….if I NEVER see anyone get saved, I believe that it is available today… if I NEVER see anyone delivered, I believe that it is available today! AS IS YOUR FAITH SO BE IT UNTO YOU! Jesus the Lord of the Church said that…I’m going to side with Him, and TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY…(WHICH IS HIS ABILITY!) CAN SOMEONE SHOUT AMEN?
Yesterday’s trivia: Simon, Acts 8:9, 18.
Today’s trivia: What sorcerer sought to turn away a deputy of Paphos from hearing the Word of God? Hint: Acts 12-13.
Tomorrow is SONDAY, I am EXPECTING an outpouring of the Spirit as we gather together in JESUS NAME, because: I am well able and SO ARE YOU!
PD & Kathy